Another absolutely amazing day!
We started the day in Happy days and managed to catch the sun with a nice couple of cans of John Smiths. We was late as usual and Mary had two wines while she was waiting! All the crew arrived before two and Jim turned up with a bag of fruit from his garden and he gave us a couple of rather large lemons from his gin tree!
The group headed over to the florin and we got cosy in the terrace of the florin. We was presented with drinks promptly, really good red wine very smooth and fruity!
We didn’t wait to long as we had pre ordered the food for this day. We had the Beef Rendang which was amazing. Lovely sized portions plus the chilli sauce was perfect for the heat seeker! We had four extra great friends drop by for beers and they was accommodated nicely which was great! We then lit up the surprise birthday cake for Fanny Rashes birthday and sang happy birthday !!!

We finished up with thanking Barry the chef.
The plan was to move next door to euro bar but it was closed but we got a call from our four friends who joined us and they indicated they was at the casa pascual and it was a sun trap !!! Soooooo
We all headed around and got tables in the sun and we ordered some bottles of fine red wine 🍷 we had a great laugh out in the sun with all the lunch club together this is the best way to finish the day!!!
Me and Lisa took off to piano piano for one last red wine, in fact a lovely glass of zin!!
Absolutely Fabulous day again !!


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