Amazing Day to break into March!
We started the day in La Bonita that’s La Bonita Montemar! If you forget the montemar you end up 15 mins away in the Carihuela which I found out in the way in my posh Mercedes Uber ride!
We started id in La Bonita with many of thanks to Kees and robert for opening for the first run of the day, we took a beer or two on the terrace and we made the Carvery for 2.45! We are always late 😁 walking passed keaneys the new Irish bar we was going to got the last hour was looking like we maybe wasn’t !
The Carvery is very efficient and very busy! But the food is damn good! So as soon as we hit our seats we was presented with the drinks menu where we took a lovely mid priced red wine from ronda which I have to say was lovely and at the right temperature. The Carvery present you with your plate to approach the counter to pick your food. We went in the cheaper option which is one run at 11.50 which is plenty on a Monday afternoon session! I picked the lamb and the roast beef which was absolutely stunning. The amount for me was perfect but then we was presented with the sweets menu! I
Was pretty full like I say but spotted the sweet berry crumble and custard now the was outstanding !!!! Very impressed with the way the Carvery operates they are very profesional.
We all agreed to move to the last venue together which is good to Keany’s but it was still mobbed! So we took to Bailey’s bar to finish up the day on the terrace with a few beers and a laugh or two!!


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