Another amazing Monday Club

We started the day in Torremolinos central in Pub Branigans as we wanted to Congratulate Ole for his 32 year anniversary for being open plus we was lining up next week for our lunch club with Mahesh and Rafael with amazing Sri Lanken food! We took a few beers on the terrace and the crew then headed of to piano piano ๐ŸŽน
We took our choice wine ๐Ÿท zin outside on the terraced until invited in for the three course meal. We started with our first delicious wine along with some piadima which where delicious little pouches with various filling these was yum!! And we then moved onto to another fine Italian wine which very nice and a very tender chicken with a peppercorn sauce and lovely roasted potato now this was my favorite dish it was lovely! Then we moved onto another fine Italian wine which was amazing! The last dish was very tender ribs on a cheese, tomato on corn flour you either like the corn flour or you donโ€™t! Everybody loved it Iโ€™m not keen on it but I ate the ribs that was lovely very tender and tasty ๐Ÿ˜‹
We finished of the day with a pacharan and another Two bottles of zin!!!!!! Thatโ€™s between four by the way!!!!
We usually move on but we just stayed the day as we had such a great time and was concentrating more on the drinking ๐Ÿ˜

Piano ๐ŸŽน Piano excelled in quality, service and price – ten out of ten


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