We are looking at another coach club day next month and looking about a hour on the coach of travel, we are taking to gill and got something niche in the pipeline!! We will keep you updated!
Also we are looking at teaming up with the original co founders of the lunch club for a Sri Lanken delight day! This time we are creating a double menu and larger 2 course meal !!!! We will keep you posted !!
Plus we have been running a bit late in time with the reviews and sending invites. We are currently at peak with shows, computers and just general life! But we will send the invites every Monday always before Thursday afternoon we are so sorry for any inconvenience. We have to state we don’t make any money from running lunch club it’s for friends and social pleasure! Making a living is priority but we will always have something in line for every Monday and you will always get a invite! If you don’t and think you are not getting one you can easily message Lisa and ask Incase you do slip the net!!!!!
High numbers this week and we have original founding members joining uzz so which is fantastic watch for pictures, videos and reviews !!!! Curry Club!!!!!!!