Absolutely fantastic day!
Very well priced and the food .. well..

We started the day in Plaza de Federico García Lorca at 1pm in 100 montaditos and I had some of there well prided refreshing cider at 1.50 a glass it can’t be beaten and the views in the square are lovely a great meeting point for sure!! We moved onto the Los pescaitos for 2.30pm and asked to extend the table by two people to run this week at 16 !!
We was presented with red wine, juice and ice 🧊

And then with small salad to eat while not waiting very long for the starter

The salad was very crispy and fresh and then my starter spag boll which was like massive for a starter and very tasty 👅

Left me thinking I better slow down as this is filling !!!! I then had the fillet of pork with pepper sauce and fresh home made chips which was amazing

Then we was offered multiple sweets I had ice cream and Elsa had this..!!..

All this for 9 euro ?! Yes we left a tip!!
We all moved onto La Vintage and had a lovely white wine and a good chat and a good laugh!

Wonderful to have Lowell back and out new member Jennifer is settled in nicely with us and great to see Anne & Graham back from Benidorm they had a great time!
Absolutely priceless crew and absolutely priceless day – a day to be remembered!!
Me and Lisa finished up the day with a pacharan – salud calvario club !!!!

Here are the highlights


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