Off the scale night around the pueblo blanco and calle casa blanca.

We started around 7pm in boomerang in pueblo blanco. You cant beat this bar it has it all and a fantastic bar to start for the club! We highly recommend boomerang bar in the Pueblo Blanco.

Boomerang Pueblo Blanco

We headed off to our full reserved terrace at Piano Piano at 8pm on calle casa blanca

It didnt take long till the drinks started flowing and i went for my favourite italian red which is absolutely fantastic!

The food didnt take long at all for a small restaurant for 18 of us and i went for the steak deal which is fantastic!

Steak deal is fantastic

The service and the food was absolutely amazing as always thank you tommy and marina! We moved onto pub branigans for last man standing which was a buzz!!!!!

Late night drinking!

The club is running like a dream! No drama and new fresh members! Come and join the amazingness!!! Its free!

The Highlights

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