A fantastic day central for the lunch club! We started the day by rounding up at piano piano with a nice refreshing cider

And we started to move over a stone throw away to sabores bistro. This was pre ordered yo make the serve go smooth! I have to say sabores bistro is one of the lunch clubs favourites! The venue, the staff, the service is all exceptional. I opted for the 3 course lunch club meal deal. We started with a exceptional red wine.

This really put a smile on my face 😁

And was quickly presented with such a fresh crunchy tasty starter

The starter was yum and then we had the lamb stew on a real perfect creamy mash potatoes, the lamb was perfectly tender cooked.

We finished up this fine meal with a Swiss roll that filled me to the brim!

Fantastic thank you sabores bistro!
The group split and we finished the day with a well priced red in vanilla!

And me and Lisa had to take a pacharan before we crawled in the house!!

Absolutely fantastic 12 out of 10
The days highlights


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