This week again we are really overwhelmed by the amount of people asking if we are alright and what the problems was with the lunch club. Currently there is no problem and we are ready to go into a sleep mode to stop any other further problems this will not happen again! We have explained everything to everybody we know in the club and to friends here and everybody knows the problem now if you don’t feel free to message me or Lisa we can meet you for coffee and go over any details you feel you need to know!! But it’s now normal if not better and like I say we are ready to put the lunch club into a idle no external invite mode when the time comes we won’t let one little hiccup ruin something we spent four years of our time and energy and passion!
So to all the crew peace ✌️ love ❤️
And don’t worry it’s all under control 💪
Love Wayne & Lisa lunch club founders and maintainers ✌️


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