Absolutely of the scale night in the pueblo blanco. We have moved for a while to tuesday at a 7pm start time which opens up the gates to some real swish restaurants that dont open till the night time!!

We started of in the pueblo blanco in boomerang around 7pm absolutely fantastic bar we highly recommended this place the best service and people. Lovely surroundings and fantastic vibe! Thank you guys for looking after us star 🌟 treatment.

We moved a stone throw away to munchies for our reservation at 8.30pm and it didnt take long for the menus to fly out

Followed by some fantastic beverages and craft ale which was absolutely fantastic!

We made the order and they agreed to split our bills which makes a lunch club winner! We was presented with nibbles while we had a short wait for our food preparation.

I went for the big double cheese buger and fries and split it with lisa and it was plenty!

The food was served up fast and eaten fast!!! The food was absolutely bang on! We was offered some complimentary shots which where bang on!

Absolutely fantastic night i have to say munchies has improved a lot the food and service is impeccable! Id highly recommend! Thank you for looking after us. A handful of us moved onto piano piano for last man standing and a good yarn and a few laughs!

Please remember!!!!!
The lunch club is free and currently running smooth so please all we can ask is dont make rude comments in matters that you dont know about or concern you as you could find your self no longer invited. Have fun and be nice its simple and free like the lunch club.