Another fantastic night with the crew!
We had one small problem with a none group member but its not worth the time typing!
We had a fantastic night in the pueblo blanco of torremolinos. Absolutely fantastic place booming with international food smells and atmosphere!
We started around 7pm in Havana which set us up with a group table and we took a well priced upgraded white wine which was fantastic!
The service and restaurant are top notch.
The group was all together for 8pm and we had new members which was fantastic!
We moved onto munchies a stone throw away and was offered up drinks straight away we went for a fantastic craft ale nice and hoppy and fair priced!
It wasnt long before they took our order and the food didnt take to long we had beef brisket burger fries and crunchy coleslaw which was fantastic!
The bill was separated which is a lunch club winner!
Have to say the chickens portions where fantastic
We headed over to Branigans for the last beers and a laugh!
We like to say considering the munchies restaurant was a new opener here and nee staff, the young lad was brilliant and the girls was really welcoming we had a fantastic time thank you so much! Like i say we had one niggle but not group related and its fixed up now this is one of the reasons we are limp mode we dont have time for people with issues!!!
Here are the days highlights!!