People are always wanting to know when the club is running in limp mode they suspect something!
So yes as with all clubs you need a leader or leaders to maintain things that happen as when you get groups of people it can run seamless but you will always get a blimp
The maintainers have the not so nice privilege of inviting or not inviting or removing a member if necessary so then the story usually gets spun so the group maintainers look like the bad ones its normal!!! After 6 years we see this and so do club members!
For example we have a great couple who come every week but one of them decides to complain every week but not discretely and the other club members see this and it doesnt sit nice on the social Experience! We make it plain so these people get a nice hint but just continue every week so for the best experience for the club we dont invite them its better we just have a nice seamless day if we have a problem our club members have respect and approach the restaurant and be nice and discreet why ruin other peoples lunch?
Recently we have alarm bells of sub groups being created from our club which we just stop inviting the person while we see if they are continuing we make this clear to members but a member invites the person without asking us and then says it was another member after saying it was themselves! So we just close the lunch club as this is the behavior that is the closing of all our hard free hard work and dedication for 6 years.
Then we are of course the bad ones for trying to maintain the lunch club with our rules?!!!
Any way fun and games aside we are still running and this week was amazing!
Please remember when you join any club just try stick by the rules they are there for a reason you could quite easily get stop from invitation or banned from groups for doing this! We talked to the group and they agree and fully understand this!
If anybody has any questions on the few rules we have feel free to ask wayne or lisa the maintainers of the lunch club!