Absolutely of the scale day with lots of fun and surprises!
This day was clearly invited as a filming day so we made a list for people sho dont particularly want filming to exclude from future filming events.
Ok so we started the day in piano piano for pre party drinks amongst other things required to parcipitate in this special 51st birthday party!
We prepped the extra buffet in billies for extra british additional extras to the American buffet!
The crew moved over to join the party and other things for 2.45pm
We had the buffet which was amazing and was presented with the birthday cake it was very big!
Then Suzette sang happy birthday with dan on the piano which was fantastic!
The food and service was amazing!
Massive shout out to sean, dan and the crew your all great friends thank you for making my birthday special! Nice one destiny for making the day fun!
Nice to get a visit from the owner billie the cat!
I cant give to much information on this day for reasons that will be revealed later!!…
Thank you for all the presents and thank you to the people who was easy and just flowed with the day and kept it easy! A lot was at stake here and a lot of pressure so keep these days easy if you are invited and attended!!
Watch your inboxes!!!!!!!
Some of the days highlights .. more to come!..